WASHINGTON, D.C. – At an important briefing yesterday at the National Press Club, the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism showcased an informative, free consumer booklet to encourage responsible drinking decisions during the holiday season and beyond.
The brochure underscores that “Drinking can be beneficial or harmful, depending on your age and health status, the situation, and, of course, how much you drink.”
Based on the latest research, the booklet provides answers to commonly asked questions about alcohol including:
· What counts as a drink?
· How many drinks are in common containers?
· What is “low-risk” versus “heavy” or “at-risk” drinking?
· What are symptoms of an alcohol use disorder?
Through informative and clear graphics, the brochure illustrates important alcohol education facts such as “standard drinks,” which underscores that a standard drink of beer (12 oz. regular beer), wine (5 oz.), and spirits (1.5 oz. of 80-proof spirits) each contains the same amount of alcohol.
“Understanding the facts of standard drinks is a critical aspect of responsible drinking,” said Peter Cressy, President of the Distilled Spirits Council. “This substantive brochure provides scientific facts and tools to make responsible drinking decisions. Moderation and responsible decision making is not only relevant during the holiday season when family and friends are gathering, but also year round.”
The second part of the booklet, “Thinking about change?” offers tips, tools and resources for people who want to moderate their drinking or abstain.
To receive a copy of the booklet, consumers should go to: http://pubs.niaaa.nih.gov/publications/RethinkingDrinking/Rethinking_Drinking.pdf