Eggnog Grasshopper Cocktail Recipe

Recipe for Eggnog Grasshopper


  • ½ oz. Cognac
  • ¼ oz. Crème de menthe
  • ½ oz. Green Crème de menthe
  • ¾ oz. Crème de Cacao
  • ¼ oz. Fernet-Branca Menta
  • 1 oz. Eggnog
  • Mint bouquet for garnish
  • Andes Mint Chocolate for garnish


➜ Combine all ingredients together in a mixing tin with 6-8 oz. of crushed ice. Flash-blend for 5 seconds and pour the drink unstrained into a rocks glass. Garnish with mint bouquet and Andes Mint Chocolate candy.

—Three Dots and a Dash, Chicago, IL

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